Tai Chi Chuan, a traditional Chinese Martial Art, is believed to have originated from the Taoist tradition, distinguishing itself from the majority of other Kung Fu styles, which have roots in the Buddhist tradition.
The ultimate objective is to achieve ‘fighting fit’ status, which necessitates good health and a naturally balanced body, incorporating the well-being of the mind. Frequently, the primary barrier to this lies in needless tension, both physical and mental. The mind governs the body, exerting a positive influence when functioning in its natural state but leading to negative outcomes when affected by stress, fear, or needless tension. Hence our training focuses on eliminating this unnecessary tension.
Tai Chi Chuan is a land-based exercise of movements functioning in gravity and as such is dependent on a natural composure while excess tension usually works in opposition to this composure.
‘Tai Chi’ or Taiji can be translated as ‘the supreme ultimate’ or ‘the great polarity’ and is represented in the familiar yin yang symbol. At the core of Taoist Taiji philosophy lie these universal forces composed of the harmonious powers of yin and yang. ‘Chuan’ means fisted hand, boxing or combat; Taiji Chuan means supreme ultimate boxing or combat representing a martial art grounded in these principles of yin and yang.
Tai Chi Chuan emphasises technique, balance and softness. Tai Chi is suitable for practitioners of all ages and can be approached both as a martial art for self-defence and also as a exercise system focused on the Tai Chi hand form, fostering health and calm.